Saturday, December 22, 2007

How Balanced is Your Life?

Success in life is never ONLY about money, or relationships, or having a perfect career. Success is being happy with your life because your life is well balanced and meaningful. Most of us do not have balanced lives however because there is one or more areas that are lacking and it's our job to find out how to reallocate our focus and energy to balance out our lives so that we can remain strong as individuals.

The following assessment will help you discover how balanced your life actually is. This is a worksheet that I created that will give you a very visual feedback of where you are in your life currently. Go ahead and access the Adobe PDF using the link below and you will need to print out the worksheet. Follow the instructions provided.

When you are finished shading in all the categories, take a look at your results. Is your circle round enough to roll across the ground? Or does it not look much like a wheel at all?

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