Saturday, December 22, 2007

The English language

The English language in totality has more than 40,000 words of which an average person uses only 3000 words. Of these 40,000 words about 5000 are the words that demonstrate an emotion and of 5000, 3500 plus words are negative emotions. Going by the law of averages, we tend to use more negative words than positive words that reduce the quality of life.

Words give us certain feeling and different words have different meanings. Let us consider few examples here…

PROBLEM against CHALLENGE: When you say you have a PROBLEM you need to fix it which you say you have a CHALLENGE, then you face it. When you say “Yes that’s a Challenge” you are giving your mind a possibility of a solution. If you say its a PROBLEM, you are shutting down possibilities and you get into a negative frame of mind.

SPEND against INVEST: If you say “I spent on the training program” it means nothing come back where as you say “I invested on the training program” means that you only invested and you need to get back something more valuable in the program.


TRY against MUST.If you say "i'll TRY to do it" there is 99 % of possiblity you'll not do the work,instead if you say "I MUST do it",am suresomehow you'll find a way to it.

Many such words are there and if they dis-empower you must stop using them now!

Let me share more on this topic depending upon the response i get...

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